domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

30th of January 2013: School day of Non-violence and peace

The "School Day of Non-violence and Peace" (DENIP), founded in 1964 and also known as World or International Day of Non-violence and Peace, is a pioneering, non-state, non-governmental, non-official, independent, free and voluntary initiative of Non-violent and Pacifying Education, which is now practised in schools all over the world and in which centres of education, teachers and students of all levels and from all countries are invited to take part.

Its basic message is: 

"Universal Love, Non-violence and Peace. Universal Love is better than egoism,  Non-violence is better than violence, amd Peace is better than war".

It is observed on January 30 or thereabouts every year, on the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi. In countries with a Southern Hemisphere school calendar, it can be observed on March 30 or thereabouts.

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